The researcher Joan Massagué, leader in cancer research, discovers the origin of metastases and open the way to new strategies to prevent and cure cancer.
The Vall d'Hebron Research Institute will have another building of 16,757 m2 dedicated to the latest technology in gene therapy, and a cyclotron to develop nuclear medicine.
The startup ecosystem of Barcelona captures more than 2,700 million in the last four years and occupies the third and fifth position in European entrepreneurship and innovation Hub rankings.
Desigual and Barcelona Tech City work together to boost the digital innovation in the fashion sector, and learn about consumer habits, technological integration or changes in consumer preferences.
Barcelona City Council boosts its creative industry by highlighting a powerful hub in Glòries- Poblenou, industry which has already created 43.000 employments in the past sixt years.
The Sónar festival returns to its original date from 18th to 20th of June with more than 100 shows and a wide musical offer that combines music, technology and electronic culture.
Evru, one of the first digital artists in Spain, returns to the art scene after more than 30 years retired with the exhibition "back to being" in the Senda gallery.
The Catalonia Hotels & Resort chain acquires the Catalonia La Maquinista hotel and strengthens its position in Barcelona by offering more than 5,700 beds in 26 hotels.
Fundació Hàbitat3, social rental housing manager, wins the Gold Award of the World Habitat Awards 2019 and becomes the first Spanish institution to do so in 34 years.
Consorci de la Zona Franca celebrates the 2nd edition of the Acceleration eDelivery program, which promotes emerging companies in the logistics sector and creates 151 jobs.
Fira de Barcelona changes its energy policy and will only provide 100% renewable electricity from sources such as hydroelectric, solar, photovoltaic or biogas.
Read the interview of Alessandro Manetti, Vice President of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Barcelona and member of Barcelona Global, on the evolution of design.
L35 Architects designs JJA’s new headquarters in Greater Paris to reflect the philosophy of the French interior decoration company, with a basis in transparency, innovation and respect for the environment.
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