Hospital Sant Joan de Déu and Hospital Clínic develop an artificial placenta, with the support of Fundación La Caixa with more than 7 million euros, that aims to save extremely premature babies.
Barcelona hosts the EU's leading incubator for technology transfer and science promotion along with MWCapital, which will promote 120 projects per year.
Conren Tramway, a Barcelona-based investment company, and Bain Capital, a world's leading private investment firm, invest 600 million euros with a focus on the logistics market in Spain and Portugal.
OneChain Immunotherapeutics, spin-off founded by the José Carreras Institute, closes a 6.7 million euros investment round for the treatment of oncological diseases.
Gamelab, the videogame fair, consolidates its presence in Barcelona with more than 150 companies and works to become a forum for the videogame sector of European and world reference.
More than 18,000 attendees at the concert on Bogatell beach organized by The Palau de la Música Catalana, the Gran Teatre del Liceu and the Auditori, within the framework of Barcelona Obertura.
Mateu Hernández, former CEO of Barcelona Global, joins Casa Batlló as International Business Development Director to promote the international growth of travelling exhibitions.
Philippe Saman, former President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Barcelona, wins la 'Légion d'honneur', the highest distinction awarded by France.
The Vicepresident of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and General Director of the PRBB, Jordi Camí, elected President of the Spanish Research Ethics Committee.
Read the article in The New Barcelona Post of Jordi Herreruela, Director of Festival Cruïlla, 'El mejor legado de Barcelona es la creatividad' . Read more +
Read the article in VIA Empresa of Aleix Valls, Co-Founder and CEO of Liquid, 'L'humanisme tecnològic és mentida'.
Áreas, the Barcelona-based airport and station restoration company, earns 1,698 million euros and strengthens its position in Mexico as part of its internationalization strategy.
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