Lagarto, the open source hardware chip created by The Barcelona Supercomputing Center and entirely designed in Barcelona, predicts a technological revolution.
Hospital Clinic, first hospital in the world to perform a 3D endoscopic surgery, a new technique that provides more safety and greater precision without much bleeding.
Barcelona's tech hub attracts start-ups from all over the world due to the access to software developers, local tech talent, international connections and quality of life, according to the Financial Times.
The neuroscientist Álvaro Pascual-Leone, currently professor at Harvard Medical School, new director of the brain health institute that starts the Guttmann Foundation in Barcelona.
Ignasi Ribas, director of the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) and member of the Cheops scientific team, collaborates with the European Space Agency to launch the Cheops space telescope.
Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, best Catalan hospital for the 5th consecutive year, according to the hospital excellence index, and Vall d'Hebron positions the 6th.
People with insomnia have worse cognitive performance and lower volume in some brain regions that are affected in the early stages of Alzheimer's, according to Fundació Pasqual Maragall.
Hospital Vall d’Hebron and Janssen lead the EU-PEARL project, a public-private alliance to design the clinical trial platforms that allow drugs to be developed faster.
FC Barcelona invests 28 million euros in the urbanization project of Espai Barça, which includes the improvement of 111,000 m2, the surrounding streets and the creation of new green areas.
Cellnex Telecom, the main operator of wireless telecommunications infrastructure in Europe, buys the Portuguese company Omtel, which means integrating 3,000 telecommunications sites.
The British online supermarket Ocado expands its technological center in Barcelona, with 150 new jobs and places its new offices in the 22@ district, with an investment of 10 million euros.
Barcelona closes 2019 with a record of investment in offices of 1.7 billion euros, the double achieved in the last five years, according to Savills Aguirre Newman.
Catalonia Hotels & Resorts expands its internationalization plan with the opening of its 1st establishment in Portugal, and also others in Costa Mujeres, San Sebastián, Bilbao and Málaga.
Etnia Barcelona, founded by David Pellicer, expands his prototype factory in Esplugues de Llobregat to optimize the processes of creating exclusive collections.
The 3rd edition of the European Blockchain Convention, held biannually in Barcelona and Copenhagen, returns to Barcelona with 600 attendees and presentations by more than 50 experts
Read the article about Roser Tiana, President and Manager Director of Interprofit and member of Barcelona Global, on the importance of communication and public relations at Forbes magazine.
Read the article of Therese Jamaa, General Manager of GSMA and member of Barcelona Global, about how mobile technology can be a very useful solidarity tool.
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