Sony choses Barcelona to host the 2nd AI center of Europe that develops projects that accelerate scientific advances and innovate in the gastronomic world.
Hospital de Sant Pau creates the Advanced Therapies Unit, which develops personalized biological drugs positioning itself among the world's leading centres.
The Barcelona Supercomputer Center hosts the International Trillion Parameter Consortium (TPC), which brings together the world's leading supercomputing institutions.
The Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI), appoints Josep Tabernero, Director of VHIO and member of the Executive Comission of Barcelona Global as a new member of the Board of Directors.
The Confederation of Scientific Societies of Spain (COSCE) awards Dr. Joan Guinovart, Emeritus Professor at IRB Barcelona and the University of Barcelona, and member of Barcelona Global, with an Honorary Diploma.
The Catalan Academy of Gastronomy and Nutrition awards Paco Solé Parellada, Owner of the restaurant 7 Portes, and member of Barcelona Global, with the National Award for Traditional Gastronomy 2024.
Barcelona Clúster Náutc appoints Ignacio Erroz, General Manager of Marina Port Vell and member of Barcelona Global, as the new President of the association.
The National Research Awards 2023 awards Dr. Eduard Batlle, ICREA research Professor, Head of the Colorectal Cancer Laboratory at IRB Barcelona, and member of Barcelona Global, with the National Research Award.
Telefónica celebrates its 100th anniversary and José Maria Álvarez-Pallete, President of the company is awarded with the Gold Medal of the America's Society.
Banco Sabadell obtains the 't for transparent' seal awarded by the Haz Foundation and a special mention for its quality in accountability at the Ibex 35 report.
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