Sant Joan de Déu promotes the research of neurodevelopmental disorders, and partners with King's College London to study the diseases and improve therapies.
Accenture leads the Data and the AI market in Spain by offering a complete portfolio of analytics and AI solutions with a multidisciplinary approach, according to Penteo.
Barcelona opens a new interactive museum of rock, Guitar Legends Hall, with an exhibition of guitars of historic legends such as Queen, AC/DC, Dire Straits, among others.
IQS hosts the academic act of investiture where Dr. David W. MacMillan, Professor of Chemistry at Princeton University, is elected as a Doctor Honoris.
Westfield appoints Kristina Restivo, Deputy Center Manager at Westfield La Maquinista, and Jaime Tamayo, Director of Westfield Glòries and member of Barcelona Global, as the new Directors of Westfield Glòries and La Maquinista.
Mango appoints Manel Jiménez, Head of supply chain and operations at TENDAM, as the new supply chain Director and new member of the management committee of the company.
Read the article of Aurora Catà, Vicepresident of the America's Cup and Honorary President of Barcelona Global, "La Copa del América traerá a Barcelona el perfil de turismo que necesita" at La Vanguardia.
Read the article of Jordi Urbea, Managing Director of Ogilvy Barcelona, corporate member of Barcelona Global,"El secreto de una buena campaña es que haga reír, haga llorar o te haga decir ¡Uau!" at Ara newspaper.
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