Pigment Gallery welcomes the chefs Patricia Schmidt and Ferran Adrià, together with the painters Marcelo Fuentes and Rosa Artero, for the inauguration of Inflorescència.
ESDI Foundation nominates Genís Roca, President of the Fundació PuntCat, Vice-President of Fundació Barcelona Music Lab and Museu Picasso, and member of Barcelona Global, as the new Vice-President.
Dr. Joan Guinovart, IRB Founding Director and Emeritus Professor, receives the Israel Pecht Award by the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) for the significant contributions to the molecular biosciences community.
Read the interview of Ramón Gras, Urban Innovation Researcher at Harvard University, Co-Founder at Aretian and member of Barcelona Global, "No hi ha hagut visió perquè Barcelona i Catalunya superessin el desenvolupisme", in VilaWeb.
Read the article written by Andreu Mas Andreu Mas-Colell, President of BIST and Member of Barcelona Global, "Felicidades, Harbour Space", in La Vanguardia.
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