Bigo Live, a leading live video streaming platform, establishes its offices in Barcelona and hires 20 employees, thanks to the boost of Barcelona & Partners.
The Franz Schubert Philharmonia, led by Tomàs Grau, Artistic Director of the orchestra, takes the Aranjuez Concerto and the music of Casals to New York.
Nuclio launches Nuclio Education, an educational holding that will encompass Nuclio Digital School, its master's degree company, and new companies in entrepreneurship, online courses and VET.
Vitafoods Europe convention, chooses Barcelona to boost its growth and consolidate itself as the meeting point for the nutraceutical and healthy food supplements sector.
Read the interview to Núria Cabutí, Chief Executive Officer of Penguin Random House Publishing Group, at La Vanguardia, 'La IA copiará muy bien, pero las editoriales queremos creatividad humana'.
Read the interview to José María Piera, Director of Business Development and Clients of Wunderman Thompson, on his three requests to the advertising industry.
Read the article, 'L'entorn en què vivim' by Guillem Costa Calsamiglia, Dean of Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, on how Barcelona will become the world capital of architecture in 2026.
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