The information services company Sanibel Group opens an office in Barcelona with the aim of consolidating its strategic expansion in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Cruïlla Festival closes this year's edition with 76,000 attendees in Barcelona and becomes the first major Spanish festival to be powered only by renewable sources.
The Banc Sabadell Foundation awards the scientists Manuel Valiente and Juan Miguel Morales for their advances in the fight against brain metastasis, with the Biomedical Research and Science and Engineering prize.
Gran Hotel Mas d'en Bruno, from The Stein Group, opens its doors in Priorat with its serene luxury inspired by the values of this mythical wine region.
Read the article in La Contra of La Vanguardia of Jaume Ripoll, Co-founder of Filmin, 'A menudo nos falta autocrítica y nos sobra autodestrucción'. Read more +
IQS celebrates the second International Workshop on the Chinese Development Model.
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