Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) researchers lead an innovative research that studies the expression of the genes in organs and tissues of the human body.
The software company Eodyne Systems, a spin-off of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), tries a new AI software in 20 patients of Hospital Universitario Parc Taulí to accelerate their recovery.
Fundación La Caixa and Fundación Joan Miró collaborate to create the documental 'Los tapices de Joan Miró. Del hilo al mundo', which shows the behind-scenes of the tapestries of the artist.
The festival of crafts and innovation IV Crafts NOW celebrates its 4th edition at the end of January. The activity, promoted by the Associació d'Artistes i Artesans, will take place at the Disseny Hub Barcelona.
Read the interview to Andreu Mas-Colell, member of Barcelona Global and Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) President: "Si no hi ha acord pels pressupostos, representa el trencament".
Read the interview to Maite Esteve, member of Barcelona Global and Director of Fundació Catalunya Cultura: "Construimos puentes entre el mundo empresarial y el cultural”.
Read the interview to Carlos de la Barra, member of Barcelona Global and General Manager of Nobu Hotel: “Barcelona tiene un potencial increíble. La Copa América será un bombazo".
Read the interview to Joan Matabosch, member of Barcelona Global and Artistic Director of Teatro Real: “Los teatros tienen que hacer el esfuerzo de normalizar la presencia de la creación contemporánea en sus programaciones".
The hotel company Nobu Hotels opens a new hotel in Marrakech that will feature 71 spacious suites, a renowned restaurant and lounge with a panoramic rooftop terrace.
A survey conducted by Pulso Empresarial, the panel of companies promoted by KPMG and La Vanguardia, affirms that "89% of managers say they will define a transition plan to achieve climate neutrality".
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