Fira de Barcelona will host the CPHI, the largest pharmaceutical convention worldwide, at 2023. The congress will reunite more that 1.800 exhibitors and 40.000 visitors of 167 countries.
The flexible workspace company Lexington leases 2,080 m2 of office space in L'illa Diagonal. The transaction has been exclusively advised by the consultancy firm CBRE.
The spinoff of the Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute, OneChain Immunotherapeutics (OCI), develops a unique trial for patients with leukemia with T-Cells that has obtained the CARxALL authorization.
Abacus buys the cultural consumers club Tresc in order to create a great platform for culture and entertainment that will also serve to boost the Catalan cultural industry.
Read the interview to Pere Navarro, Special State Delegate of Consorci de Zona Franca of Barcelona: 'Necesitamos caminar hacia la región metropolitana de 4,5 millones'.
Grifols is recognized as one of the most sustainable companies in the world for the third consecutive year, according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
Mango teams up with other fashion companies like Inditex, H&M, Primark and Uniqlo to create the Asociación Retail Textil España (ARTE) in order to 'represent the industry at national level'.
The Ajuntament of Barcelona and Fundación Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), promote the female leadership programme 'Dones líders en ciència i tecnologia', inside the Barcelona Science Plan 2020-2023.
IQS becomes the first university in the Iberian Peninsula to host a DemoLab, in agreement with the Japanese manufacturer JEOL's nuclear magnetic resonance instrument, with aim of promoting scientific research and technology transfer.
The Port Olimpic of Barcelona kicks off with its Special Urban Development and Uses Plan that will mainly focus on the accessibility and opening of public spaces specially designed for walking and sports.
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