Barcelona City Council promotes a program to create 100 science and technology-based startups with a partnership of five catalan universities: UB, UAB, UPC, UPF and UOC.
The Sagrada Familia will be crowned by a gigantic luminous star, which will be placed at the top of the Tower of the Virgin Mary. The lighting of the star will be on December 8.
Glovo rents 30,000 square meters in 22@. The real estate services company JLL has been commissioned to carry out the largest operation of 2021 in Barcelona.
The MarIA project, the first massive Artificial Intelligence system in the Spanish language created at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, begins to summarize and generate texts.
The real estate investment and asset manager Conren Tramway acquires a surface area of 4,500 square meters in 22@ and signs a sustainable loan of €125 million to build a building.
Barcelona City Council buys Gustavo Gili's publishing house building, a magnificent building representative of the Catalan rationalism, to group its culture and education areas.
Atrys Health incorporates Aurora Catà, president of Barcelona Global, as an independent member of its board and chair of its Appointments and Remuneration Committee.
Guayente Sanmartín, General Manager & Global Head HP 3D Multi Jet Fusion Business at HP, is rewarded for his professional career by La Fundació Internacional de la Dona Emprenedora.
Festival 42 attracts 6,000 visitors and confirms the rise of fantasy literature. The great reception guarantees the continuity of the Barcelona event, which will be held annually.
The Finestres bookstore's triple commitment to comics: a new place dedicated to the genre and art books, a publisher of comics for adults in Catalan and a prize.
The outdoor advertising solutions company Sundisa expects to turn over €6 million with the production of advertising media for companies and public administrations.
Barcelona is placed in the category of 'Cities to watch' according to the Saffron City Brand Barometer 2021. This group of cities could become a leading business brand in the future.
Read the article of Andreu Mas-Colell, President of the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, in La Vanguardia: 'Innovación: el espejo es Europa'.
MAPFRE joins the International Network of Companies and Disability of the International Labor Organization to fight against discrimination and promote equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities.
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